Selecting recipient store or stock movement record

You can select a store or a stock movement record in the stock movement to store records list, which is the default start screen in Movement to store mode.

List of stock movement to store records

To return to the main menu, press Exit.

The list displays all stores available to the user and stock movement records available for editing or change of status.

The status list displays only the statuses that can be assigned to the document by the current user.


Stores, documents and document statuses available to the user are defined by the access settings specified for his job title.

For example, the chef can create and edit records and assign Not ready, Drawn up and Sent statuses to them (maximum — Sent), while the waiter can only view all records with Sent status and assign Accepted status to them (maximum — Accepted).

Example access setting for chef

If a document has been assigned a maximum status and is only available to the user for viewing and printing, the document will no longer be displayed on the user's screen. For example, the Accepted records are not displayed on the chef's screen.

All functions available for operations with stores and stock movement records are accessible from the context menus that open when you select an item in the list.

After you select the recipient store, you can create a new stock movement record.

List of stock movement to store records with store context menu

You can view, edit, change status, print and delete existing stock movement records.

List of stock movement to store records with document context menu