v8.22 New feature - Print out guest tab
You can now print a guest tab. There are two ways to do it:
v8.22 New feature - Splitting by volume
The Waiter POS terminal operating mode now has the AllowSplitVolume parameter to allow a waiter to split certain order items on a guest tab by volume. For the order item to be splitted by volume, it must have the Changes allowed (V*) parameter in the Sales parameters set to Yes. The parameter is set to False by default.
v8.22 New feature - Allow a waiter to work with someone else's tables
The Waiter POS terminal operating mode now has the AllowOccupiedSomeoneElsePlaces parameter to allow a waiter to submit guest tabs and bills on tables with guest tab or bills submitted by another employee. The parameter is set to False by default.
v8.22 New feature - A waiter's name displayed for each table
Each table on the Seating plan now has the name of the waiter who has created the guest tab displayed on the table thumbnail.

Operations with guest tabs

To start working with a guest tab, select a table on the seating plan (or a guest tab in the list of guest tabs for a table) and press the required command in the context menu.

Seating plan with guest tab context menu

Context menu of a guest tab in the list of guest tabs by tables