Auto-order windows

Windows used for managing directory contents:

Entry window

The New auto-order entry window is used to add a new auto-order to the directory.

The window is opened by the Add command from the context menu of the Auto-orders directory.

The window contains Properties and Specification panels.

New auto-order entry window

The Properties panel is for entering the main attributes of the new auto-order.

Fields in the Properties panel:

Selecting OK will add the item to the directory and close the entry window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving the item. Selecting Apply will add the item to the directory without closing the window.

The editor window allows one or more auto-orders to be edited simultaneously.

The editor window is opened by the Edit command in the context menu when one or more auto-orders are selected.

Editor window

If one auto-order is selected, the Auto-order editor window will open:

Auto-order editor window

The fields and panels are the same as in the New auto-order window.

Multiple editor window

When two or more auto-orders are selected for editing, the multiple editor window will open. It has a panel displaying a list of the selected auto-orders. The title in the window header is Auto-orders.

Multiple auto-orders editor window

When multiple auto-orders are selected for editing, any changes that are saved will be applied to all of the selected auto-orders.

Specification panel in the Auto-order window

The Specification panel is for entering the menu items included in the auto-order:

Specification panel in the auto-order entry window

The Specification panel contains a data grid listing the menu items, menu item shortcuts and timed services that make up the auto-order.

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

The New auto-order item, Auto-order item and Auto-order items windows are used for adding, viewing and editing auto-order items.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting auto-order items.