Discount recalculation window

The Discount recalculation window is used to calculate the total sales amount on a guest tab including all privileges.


When orders are created and submitted from a terminal, privileges are applied automatically and the total amount payable for the guest tab is calculated accordingly.

If an order is created and submitted manually in Tillypad XL Manager, privileges must also be applied manually using the discount recalculation function. Otherwise the total amount payable is calculated without privileges.

The discount recalculation window is opened by the Recalculate discount command in the context menu of the Guest tabs or Orders lists.

Discount recalculation window

The left pane of the window displays the filter parameters configured by the user.

Selecting Cancel will close the window without making any changes to order specifications.

Selecting OK enters the changes into the specifications of orders associated with the selected guest tab.

After OK is selected, the progress indicator bar will appear in the window.

Discount recalculation window with progress indicator

The results of discount recalculation are displayed in a new window.

When the discount recalculation is complete, the Information window will open with a list of the guest tabs that were affected by the operation, along with the total amounts of their orders.

Information window with list of updated guest tabs.

If no changes were made, the order totals for the selected guest tabs remain unchanged.

The context menu in the list of guest tabs contains the same commands as the context menu in the Guest tabs viewer window but without the Add and Recalculate discount commands.

Click Close to close the information window.