Discount type windows

Windows used with discount types:

The editor window allows one or more discount types to be edited.

The editor window is opened by the Edit command in the context menu when one or more discount types are selected.

Editor window

If one discount type is selected, the Discount type editor window will open:

The window contains the Properties and Discounts in menu panels. Other panels are displayed depending on what fields were populated in the window.

Discount type editor window

Properties panel fields:

When the discount calculation function for which the filter is configured is selected, the Filter parameters field displays filter setting panels. When values are not selected, the panes display Not initialised.

Discount type entry window when discount calculation function is selected

To calculate the discount, select filter settings.

Discount type entry window after using the filter

Selecting OK will add the item to the directory and close the entry window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving the item. Selecting Apply will add the item to the directory without closing the window.

If some filter settings were not specified, a confirmation window will open when saving the discount type.

Confirm save prompt

Multiple editor window

The multiple discount types editor window opens when more than one discount type is selected for editing.

The name of the window is Discount types. This window includes a panel with a list of the selected point types.

Multiple discount types editor window

When multiple discount types are selected for editing, only the panels which are common to all selected discount types are displayed. Any changes that are saved will be applied to all of the selected menu item shortcuts.

Where the same menu groups and menu items have different statuses, such groups are illustrated by the icon and items by the icon.

Menu groups and items with different statuses in the selected discount types

When With points is selected in the Points settings field, the Points settings panel is added to the window.

Discount type with points

Entry window

The entry window is used to enter a new discount type.

The New discount type entry window is opened by the Add command from the context menu.

New discount type entry window

The panels and fields are the same as in the Discount type editor window.

Discounts in menu panel in the Discount type window

The Discounts in menu panel is used to specify which menu groups and items the discount type will apply to.

Discounts in menu panel

A collapsible list of menu groups and menu group shortcuts is displayed in the Discounts in menu panel.

Data grid column:

The root element of the list is named Entire menu.

Context menu commands:

The Include command is used to include menu items or groups in the discount type.

Including a menu group in a discount type

If a menu item or group is included directly in a discount type, it is given the status Included. Menu groups with this status are illustrated by the icon, menu items by the icon, and menu item shortcuts by the icon.

Group, items and shortcut included in discount type


Pay close attention to the following:

When a menu group is included in a discount type, all menu groups and menu items contained in it are given the status Added. Menu groups with this status are illustrated by the icon, menu items by the icon, and menu item shortcuts by the icon.

The Exclude command excludes menu groups and items from a discount type.

Excluding a menu group from a discount type

The menu group or item is given the status Excluded. Menu groups with this status are illustrated by the icon, menu items by the icon, and menu item shortcuts by the icon.

Group, items and shortcut excluded from discount type


Pay close attention to the following:

When a menu group is excluded from a discount type, all menu groups and menu items contained in it are given the status Removed. Menu groups with this status are illustrated by the icon, menu items by the icon, and menu item shortcuts by the icon.

The Cancel command removes the added status from a menu group or item and restores it to its original state.

Restoring a menu group to its original state

The Cancel command is available when one or more menu groups or items with the same altered status are selected.

If multiple menu groups or items with different statuses are selected, the Cancel command is disabled.

Elements with different statuses selected

The Cancel command cannot be used for menu groups or items that are included in or removed from a discount type by way of inclusion or exclusion of the group that contains them. These elements can only be restored to their original state by restoring the status of the group they are contained in.

Elements with status inherited from containing group

When the command is executed, a confirmation window appears:

Undo changes confirmation prompt

Selecting Yes restores the selected elements to their original state:

Elements restored to original state

Selecting No closes the confirmation window without restoring statuses of the selected elements.

Панель Points settings карточки Discount type

Панель Points settings предназначена для определения скидок с баллами:

Панель Points settings карточки Discount type

Поля панели Points settings: