Companies directory

The Companies directory is used to manage companies.

The Companies directory contains information about business partners of the enterprise and the enterprise itself.

Location: Transactions -> Directories -> Companies.

The directory contains a list of companies divided into groups. Groups are top level elements and can be expanded and collapsed to show or hide the companies contained in them. Only groups can be top level elements and only companies can be second-level elements. Companies are illustrated with the icon.

Company groups are illustrated by the icon. If a company group is included in a subscription directly, it is illustrated by the same icon with a blue paperclip . If a company group is included in a subscription via its parent group, it is illustrated by the icon with a red paperclip .

Companies directory window

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

The New company group, Company group and Company groups windows are used for adding, viewing and editing company groups.

The New company, Company and Companies windows are used for adding, viewing and editing companies.

The confirm delete prompt is used when deleting companies.

The Select company window is used to select companies form fields in other windows.