Menu units of measurement

Menu units of measurement are the units of measurement specified for menu items in the Menu and Draft menu directories.

Any arbitrary unit of measurement can be used, e.g. litre, portion, kilo, pint, half, shot, etc.

The units of measurement used for menu items are managed in the Menu units of measurement directory.

Units of measurement must be categorised with a type, such as volume, quantity and time. These types are user-defined and are used to categorise and sort units of measurement in the Menu units of measurement directory.

Supplementary units of measurement can be added to the specification of a unit of measurement.

Supplementary units of measurement do not need to be entered into the Menu units of measurement directory as units of measurement in their own right.

The ratio of each supplementary unit to its primary unit is defined in the specification. Minimum and maximum values for each supplementary unit are also defined.

If, when a menu item is added to an order, its volume falls between the minimum and maximum values of a supplementary unit defined for its specified unit of measurement, its volume will be displayed on the terminal in the supplementary unit of measurement.

For example, ice cream is specified for sale by the Portion, which is defined as a 200g serving. The portion has grams specified as a supplementary unit of measurement for use in the range from 100 to 1000. The conversion ratio of portions to grams is defined as 0.005. If between 1 and 99 portions are added to an order, both the terminal editor window and the order will both display the volume in portions. If between 100 and 1000 portions are added to an order, the volume will be displayed in grams in the editor window and in portions in the order.

Supplementary units of measurement are displayed only on the terminal screen. The basic units of measurement specified for menu items are always used in orders, bills and receipts.