Software module screen form settings directory

The Software module screen form settings directory is used to configure software module screen forms. It allows you to change the appearance of screen forms and edit control elements and the functions associated with them.

Location: Devices -> Directories -> Software module screen form settings.

The data grid contains an expandable list. Top-level elements represent software modules. Second-level elements are screen forms. Bottom-level elements are screen form settings. Only screen form settings can be manipulated in this directory.

Software module screen form settings directory

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

The New software module screen form setting and New software module screen form settings are used to enter new software module screen form settings and copies of software module screen form settings. The Software module screen form setting and Software module screen form settings windows are used for editing.

The confirm delete prompt is used when deleting software module form screen form settings.

Для выбора настроек экранных форм программных модулей в других справочниках используется окно Select software module screen form setting
