Software module printable form windows

Windows used for managing directory contents:

All these windows are opened from the Software module printable forms directory.

The editor window is opened by the Edit command when one or more software module printable forms are selected.

Editor window

If one software module printable form is selected, the Software module printable form editor window will open.

The window contains Properties, Input parameters and Print panels.

Software module printable form editor window

Properties panel fields:

Select OK to save changes and close the window. Select Apply to save changes without closing the window. Select Cancel to close the window without saving changes.

Multiple editor window

When two or more software module printable forms are selected for editing, the multiple editor window opens. It has a panel displaying a list of the selected software module printable forms. The title in the window header is Software module printable forms.

This window contains only the Properties panel.

Software module printable forms multiple editor window

When multiple printable forms are selected for editing, any changes that are saved will be applied to all of the selected software module printable forms.

The fields and panels are the same as in the Software module printable form window.

The entry window is used to add one or more new software module printable forms.

Entry window

The New software module printable form entry window is opened:

Software module printable form entry window

New software module printable form entry window with Input parameters and Print panels

The fields and panels are the same as in the Software module printable form window.

Multiple entry window

The New software module printable forms multiple entry window is opened by the Add copy command when more than one printable form is selected, and when inserting multiple printable forms simultaneously from the clipboard. The window contains a list of the selected printable forms.

This window contains only the Properties panel.

New software module printable forms multiple entry window

The fields and panels are the same as in the Software module printable form window.

Input parameters panel in the Software module printable form window

The Input parameters displays an emulation of the data passed by the software module when it uses the printable form.

Input parameters panel in the Software module printable form window

When the editor window is opened, the panel contains only the Update button. On clicking the update button, the filter prescribed in the software module screen form is used to generate the emulated input data.

Updated Input parameters panel

Print panel in the Software module printable form window

The Print panel is used to add, edit and delete äîáàâëåíèÿ, print layouts used by the software module print form.

Print panel in the Software module printable form window

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

The New print layout window is used to add a new software module printable form. The Print layout window is used for editing.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting print layouts.

Preset parameters panel in the Software module printable form window

The Preset parameters panel contains values specified for the filter step by default. This filter is used to generate the print layout.

The list of filter steps with preset parameters is contained in the Preset parameter configuration panel.

Preset parameters and Preset parameter configuration in the Software module printable form

Filter panels display the message Not initialised. The filter is initiated on execution of the Test query command in the Query panel or on pressing the Update button in the Print panel of the Print layout window.

Query panel in the Software module printable form window

The Data sets field in the panel is used to enter the names of data sets generated on execution of the SQL query. This is a required field.

Data set names are separated by semicolons. For each data set a separate panel is added to the window.

Query panel in the Software module printable form window

The panel contains the multiline field for editing the query. The context menu contains the Test query command, which is used to test the SQL query. Test results are displayed in the Query result window.

Preset parameter configuration panel in the Software module printable form window

The Preset parameter configuration panel is used to view, add and edit filter steps for which default values will be configured.

Preset parameter configuration panel in the Software module printable form window

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

The New filter step and Filter step windows are used to add, edit and view a filter step.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting filter steps from the Preset parameter configuration panel.