
Orders are taken at a terminal and added to a guest tab. When all the chosen menu items have been added to an order, it is submitted for processing. If kitchen printing is configured, service tickets will be sent to the kitchen printer.


In order to use kitchen printing for a menu item, its concurrence must have sales settings that specify a printer. If an order confirmation device is also specified in the sales settings, the kitchen tickets will be printed with a bar code that can be scanned to send order-ready confirmations.

If an order is taken in Waiter mode on the terminal, the operator selects the table (from floor plan or from the list of tables and guest tabs), manually creates a new guest tab and enters the customer's orders into it.

If Club waiter mode is used, the customer is first given an ID and a guest tab is created in Club cashier mode. Subsequently all orders are added to this guest tab when the ID is entered at the terminal. Orders are created automatically when the first menu item is selected.

If Fast Food mode is used, a guest tab is created automatically when the first menu item is added to a new order.

Any menu item that is available for selection on a terminal can be added to an order.

If a menu item with a price schedule is added to an order, its price will be as specified in the price schedule for the time of day.

The order is used to create a bill, which is paid by the customer, and then a receipt. If the club system is being used, when the customer provides his ID, bills will be generated for all the orders belonging to the guest tab associated with the ID.

An order can be paid by multiple receipts for different sales departments. Payment can be made using different payment methods (cash or non-cash, bank or club card etc.). All discounts, surcharges and bonuses are taken into account when an order is paid.

A status is assigned to the order depending what stage it is at:

Newly created orders have the status Not ready. Orders with the status Not ready can be viewed, edited or deleted.

When an order is submitted it is given the status Fulfilled. Orders with the status Fulfilled can only be viewed and cannot be edited or deleted. Only their status can be changed.

To be deleted, an order must have the status Not ready. When deleting an order it is necessary to specify the types of documents and operations associated with it that must be deleted together with the order. If the order has already been submitted and its guest tab closed, in order to delete the order and its items the guest tab must be opened.


Deletion of orders and their items on terminals are restricted operations and reasons must be specified when carrying them out. They are recorded in Restricted terminal operations operational reports.

If the division that the order belongs to has Carry over guest tabs set to Yes, the order can be carried over to another business day.

Privileges alter the payable value of an order. Auto-orders automatically add a selection of predefined menu items to orders.

Privileges and auto-orders can be assigned at different levels: to divisions, tables and individual clients.

The list of all orders is kept in the Orders document list. The list can be created for selected terminals, guest tabs and business days: