Stock-out record specification element window

The following windows are used when working with stock-out record specification elements:

The editor window allows one or more stock-out record specification elements to be edited.

The editor window is opened by the Edit command from the context menu in the Specification panel when one or more specification elements are selected.

If one specification element is selected, the Stock-out record specification element window will open:

Stock-out record specification element editor window (independent stock item)

Form fields:

Selecting OK will add the data to the stock-out record specification and close the window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving any changes.

Stock-out record specification element editor window (ingredient in recipe of a compound stock item)

If a stock item is an ingredient in a recipe of a compound stock item, in the editor window, instead of the Price, Total, VAT %, VAT amount and Inc. VAT fields, contains the following fields:

The multiple stock-out specification elements editor window opens when multiple specification elements are selected for editing.

The title in the window header is Stock-out record specification elements. It has a panel displaying a list of selected specification elements, with the stock-out record that they relate to in brackets to the right of each element.

Only specification elements of the same type (only complete stock items or only ingredients) can be selected simultaneously for editing.

Multiple independent specification elements editor window. Stock-out record

Similarly, two or more specification elements of different stock-out records can be selected simultaneously for editing:

Multiple specification child elements editor window. Multiple stock-out records

The fields and panels are the same as in the Stock-out record specification element window.

Multiple specification child elements editor window

Similarly, two or more specification child elements of different stock-out records can be selected simultaneously for editing:

Multiple specification child elements editor window. Multiple stock-out records

The fields and panels are the same as in the Stock-out record specification element window.

The New stock-out record specification element entry window is opened by the Add command in the context menu of the specification or when adding one stock item to the specification from the clipboard.

Stock items can be added to the specification independently or as child elements (ingredients in recipes of compound stock items).

If the specification element is added as independent (a simple stock item or a compound stock item with a recipe) the entry window looks like this:

New stock-out record specification element (independent stock item or stock item with recipe)

When Manual is selected in the Recipe mode field, the Unfold recipe field in the entry window is available.

New stock-out record specification element entry window (manual recipe mode is selected)

When a stock item is added to the specification as an ingredient of a recipe, the fields in the entry window change:

Stock-out record specification child element entry window

Stock-out record specification child element entry window (manual mode is selected)

The fields are the same as in the Stock-out record specification element window.

The New stock-out record specification elements entry window opens when multiple stock items are added to the specification simultaneously from the clipboard.

By default, the independent stock item entry window opens, that contains a list of added stock items.

Multiple stock-out record specification elements entry window

When the Parent field is filled in, the fields in the entry window change:

Multiple stock-out record specification elements entry window (ingredients in recipes of compound stock items)

The fields are the same as in the Stock-out record specification element window.

The sequential editor window allows stock-out specification elements that do not have parent element to be edited sequentially in the order that they appear in the document specification without closing the window.

The window is opened by the Edit sequentially command when an independent specification element (a simple stock item or a stock item with recipe) is selected.

During sequential editing the editor window contains the <Edit and Edit> buttons.

Stock-out record specification element sequential editor window.

The fields are the same as in the Stock-out record specification element window.

The stock-in record specification element viewer window allows one or more selected elements to be viewed.

The window is opened by the View command when one or more specification elements of a stock-out record with the status Drawn up or Registered are selected.

This window has no OK or Cancel button, only a Close button.

The window is read-only, all fields are disabled:

Stock-out record specification independent element viewer window

Stock-out record specification element viewer window (ingredient in recipe of a compound stock item)

The multiple stock-in records viewer window opens using the View command when more than one specification element of stock-out records with the status Drawn up or Registered are selected.

Multiple stock-out record specification elements viewer window (independent stock item)

Multiple stock-out record specification elements viewer window (ingredients in recipe of compound stock items)

Cold preparation wastage panel of the Stock item window

The Cold preparation wastage panel contains cold preparation wastage types representing different methods of preparing the stock item.

Cold preparation wastage panel

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

New cold preparation wastage types are added using the New cold preparation wastage type window. The Cold preparation wastage type and Cold preparation wastage types windows are used for editing.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting cold preparation wastage types.

Cooking wastage panel of the Stock item window

The Cooking wastage panel contains cooking wastage types representing different methods of preparing the stock item.

Cooking wastage panel

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

New cooking wastage types are added using the New cooking wastage type window. The Cooking wastage type and Cooking wastage types windows are used for editing.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting cooking wastage types.

Recipe panel in the Stock item window

The Recipe panel is displayed when With recipe is selected in the Class field.

The Recipe panel contains a list of the ingredients that are included in the stock item recipe. The ingredients are also stock items from the Stock items directory.

Recipe panel

Panel fields:

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

New ingredient stock items are added using the New recipe item and Recipe items windows. The Recipe item and Recipe items windows are used for editing.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting recipe ingredient stock items.