Stock item windows

Windows used with stock items:

All these windows can be opened from the Stock items directory. The Stock item and Stock items windows can also be opened from the Recipes containing stock items operational report.

The editor window is opened by the Edit command in the context menu when one or more stock items are selected.

Editor window

If one stock item is selected, the Stock item editor window will open.

Stock item editor window

Window panels:

Panel name Panel contents Field types

General attributes of stock item.

Contains required and optional fields.

Photograph Stock item photograph file. Displays the photograph. Optional

Nutritional values

Stock item nutrition values.


Cold preparation wastage

Cold processing options.


Cooking wastage

Hot processing options. Optional


Stock item IDs Optional

Other panels are displayed depending on:

Stock item class Substitute Sold by weight Additional panels













Substitutes, Weight

With recipe



Recipe, Preparation instructions



Recipe, Preparation instructions, Substitutes



Recipe, Preparation instructions, Weight



Recipe, Preparation instructions, Weight, Substitutes

For butchering






Butchering, Substitutes



Butchering, Weight



Butchering, Substitutes, Weight

The Properties panel contains the following stock item parameters:

When the None class is selected, the Properties, Photograph, Nutritional values, Cold preparation wastage, Cooking wastage and IDs panels are displayed.

Stock item class selected

Selecting With recipe adds the Recipe and Preparation instructions panels:

With recipe class selected

Selecting For butchering adds the Butchering panel:

For butchering class selected

Enabling Substitutes adds the Substitutes panel:

Substitutes enabled

Enabling By weight adds the Weight panel:

By weight enabled

Selecting OK will add the changes to the directory and close the entry window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving the item. Selecting Apply will add the changes to the directory without closing the window.

Multiple editor window

When two or more stock items are selected for editing, the multiple editor window will open. It has a panel displaying a list of the selected stock items. The title in the window header is Stock items.

Multiple stock items editor window

The viewer window contains only the panels that are common to all selected stock items.

When multiple stock items are selected for editing, any changes that are saved will be applied to all of the selected stock items.

The fields and panels are the same as in the Stock item window.

The stock item entry window can be used to add one or more stock items to the directory simultaneously. The single entry window is opened by the Add command in the Stock items directory context menu, or when adding a single stock item from the clipboard. The multiple entry window opens only when adding multiple stock items from the clipboard.

Entry window

The New stock item window is used to add a new stock item to the directory.

The window is opened by the Add command from the Stock items directory context menu.

Stock item entry window

The window opens with the class None selected by default.

Multiple entry window

The multiple stock item entry window is opened when more than one stock item is added to the directory from the clipboard.

The name of the window is New stock items. The window includes a panel with a list of the copied stock items.

Multiple stock item entry window

The fields and panels are the same as in the Stock item window.

Панель Photograph карточки Stock item

Панель Photograph позволяет выбрать фотографию для иллюстрации продукта.

Панель Photograph

На панели выводится комбинированное поле, используемое для выбора и просмотра фотографии продукта.

Выбор производится в окне Open. В этом поле отображается название файла, размер файла и размеры хранящегося в нем изображения (разрешение).

Имя выбранного файла указывается в таблице элементов справочника Stock items.

Nutritional value panel in the Stock item window

The Nutritional values panel is used to enter nutritional information for the stock item. Typically the values entered are for 100 grams of the stock item. The format for displaying nutritional values is configured in the Default stock item settings directory.

All of the fields in this panel are optional.

Nutritional value panel for a stock item with no recipe

Nutritional values panel fields:

If the stock item has a recipe (class With recipe), the nutritional values section can be automatically filled using information from its ingredients. The Nutritional values panel has an additional field group named Recalculate.

The protein, fat and carbohydrate and calorific values are calculated using a percentage ratio.

Nutritional value panel for a stock item with a recipe

Fields in the Recalculate group:

Cold preparation wastage panel of the Stock item window

The Cold preparation wastage panel contains cold preparation wastage types representing different methods of preparing the stock item.

Cold preparation wastage panel

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

New cold preparation wastage types are added using the New cold preparation wastage type window. The Cold preparation wastage type and Cold preparation wastage types windows are used for editing.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting cold preparation wastage types.

Cooking wastage panel of the Stock item window

The Cooking wastage panel contains cooking wastage types representing different methods of preparing the stock item.

Cooking wastage panel

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

New cooking wastage types are added using the New cooking wastage type window. The Cooking wastage type and Cooking wastage types windows are used for editing.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting cooking wastage types.

IDs panel of the Stock item window

The IDs panel contains a data grid with identifiers (such as barcodes) that are used to identify stock items in the store (for example when stocktaking).

IDs panel

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

The New stock item ID, Stock item ID and Stock item IDs windows are used for adding, viewing and editing stock item IDs.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting stock item IDs.

Substitutes panel of the Stock item window

The Substitutes panel is displayed when Yes is selected in the Substitutes field of the Properties panel.

The Substitutes panel is used to specify items that can substitute the stock item if it is out of stock. Substitutes are indexed in order of preference.

Substitutes panel

Fields in the panel:

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

The New substitute stock item, New substitute stock items, Substitute stock item and Substitute stock items windows are used for adding, viewing and editing substitute stock items.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting substitute stock items.

Weight panel in the Stock item window

The Weight panel is displayed when Yes is selected in the By weight field of the Properties panel.

The information entered in the Weight panel is used for determining the stock item volume by weighing it on scales with or without its container.

Weighing a stock item to determine its volume is often useful, for example, to measure volume or quantity of loose items in boxes, or liquids in containers when stocktaking.

The relationship between weight and volume or quantity is specified in the Weight panel along with the tare weights of various containers:

Weight panel in the Stock item window

Weight panel fields:

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

The New container type, Container type and Container types windows are used for adding, viewing and editing container types.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting container types.

Recipe panel in the Stock item window

The Recipe panel is displayed when With recipe is selected in the Class field.

The Recipe panel contains a list of the ingredients that are included in the stock item recipe. The ingredients are also stock items from the Stock items directory.

Recipe panel

Panel fields:

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

New ingredient stock items are added using the New recipe item and Recipe items windows. The Recipe item and Recipe items windows are used for editing.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting recipe ingredient stock items.

Preparation instructions panel in the Stock item window

The Preparation instructions panel is displayed when With recipe is selected in the Class field.

The Preparation instructions panel is used to enter written instructions for preparing the stock item.

Preparation instructions panel

Butchering panel of the Stock item window

The Butchering panel is displayed when With recipe is selected in the Class field.

The Butchering panel contains a list of the new stock items that are produced when the stock item is butchered.

Butchering panel

Fields in the panel:

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

New butchering stock items are added using the New butchering element and New butchering elements windows. The Butchering element and Butchering elements windows are used for editing.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting butchering stock items.