Recalculate stock items window

The Recalculate stock items window is used for stock item recalculation in store documents.

Location: Store -> Document operations -> Recalculate stock items.

The viewer window is opened by the filter steps Select stock item groups, Select stock items, Select recalculation mode for list..., Select date range, Select stores, Select document types and Recipe mode.

Stock item recalculation window

The window contains a pane displaying the filter parameters configured by the user.

Selecting Cancel closes the window without updating documents.

If OK is clicked in the specification of a document that matches the filter criteria, the required changes will be made to the selected stock items.

After OK is clicked, the progress indicator bar will appear in the window.

Stock item recalculation window with progress indicator

The results of stock item recalculation are displayed in a new window.

When the stock item recalculation is complete, the Information window will open with a list of the store documents that were affected by the operation.

Information window with list of updated documents

If this window does not display a list of documents, it means that there were no documents matching the selected criteria and as a result no documents were affected.