Report function window

The following windows are used to work with context menu functions:

The editor window is opened by the Edit command from the context menu of the Functions panel when a function is selected.

The window contains the Properties and Parameter relationships windows.

Report function editor window

The Properties panel is used to enter information about the function that will appear in the context menu of the required panel in the report viewer window.

Properties panel fields:

Selecting OK will add the data to the Functions panel and close the window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving any changes.


Multiple commands editing is not available.

The New report function window is used to add a new context menu function to the specification.

The window is opened by the Add command from the context menu of the Functions panel.

New report function entry window

The panels and fields are the same as in the Report function editor window.

Functions panel in the Report window

The Functions panel is used for working with functions in the context menus of data grids in panels displayed in report viewer windows.

Functions in the context menus of data grids in panels displayed in report viewer windows allow the user to open viewer windows of operational reports and editor windows of directory and document list elements.

Context menu of data grid in panel of report viewer window

Functions panel

Functions panel fields:

Context menu commands:

Functions are added using the New report function window. The Report function window is used for editing.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting functions from the report specification.