Report. window

Copy window

The report copy window is used to add a copy of an existing report or reports to the directory. All elements of the copied report (SQL query, data set model, print layout, filter and functions) are added to the new report.

Important note

A report that is created in this way is completely independent of the report it was copied from. Changes made later to the original report will not in any way affect the copy.

If you want changes made in the original report to be reflected in the copy, specify the original report in the Based on field in the Properties panel.

The Report. window is opened by the Add copy command from the directory context menu.

Report. window

The panels and fields are the same as in the Report editor window.

Multiple copy window

When multiple reports are selected for copying, the Reports. window will open. It has a panel displaying a list of the selected reports. The only additional panel displayed is the Print from software modules panel.

Reports. window

The panels and fields are the same as in the Report editor window.

Print from software modules panel in the Report window

The Print from software modules panel is used to manage the list of software modules from which the report can be printed.

Print from software modules panel

Data grid columns:

Context menu commands:

Software modules are added using the New module window. The Module and Modules windows are used for editing.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting software modules.