Update recipes window

The Update recipes window is used to make changes to the recipes of compound stock items in the Stock items directory based on the results of development experiments.

Location: Store -> Document operations -> Update recipes.

The viewer window is opened by the filter steps Select date range, Select stores, Document list viewing mode and Select development records.

If stock items that do not belong to the With recipe class are found among those which are documented in the development records, the system will prompt the user to change them to the With recipe class.

Confirming stock item class change

Selecting Finish will change the class of the stock items and the Update recipes window will open. Clicking <Back will take you back to the development record selection step. Selecting Cancel will abort the recipe update procedure.

If stock items are found more than once in the specifications of the selected development records, the recipe update procedure will not be completed.

Stock items found in multiple development records

Clicking <Back will return the filter to the development record selection step. Selecting Cancel will abort the recipe update procedure.

The window contains the header Update recipes.

Update recipes window

The window contains a pane displaying the filter parameters configured by the user.

Selecting Cancel closes the window without updating recipes.

Selecting OK will update the recipes of the specified compound products in the Stock items directory with the results from the development records.


Updating recipes permanently deletes the existing recipe specifications.

After OK is selected, the progress indicator bar will appear in the window.

Update recipes window with progress indicator

When the recipe update is complete, the Information window will open with a list of the stock items whose recipes were updated by the operation.

Information window with list of updated stock items