Main menu search

The main menu in Tillypad XL features an inline search facility for quick access to menu items.

To use inline search, open the main menu and begin typing the name of the main menu item you want to find. As you type, items that do not contain the search phrase will be removed from the main menu, and groups with items containing the phrase will be toggled open.

Searching for menu items containing the phrase 'groups'

Expressions separated by spaces in the search phrase will be treated as being joined by the boolean 'AND' operator. The search will return partial (non-exact) matches.

Searching for menu items matching the condition 'menu' AND 'groups'

Deleting the search phrase or clicking the button will return all menu items to the main menu, while leaving submenus in their toggled state.

To return the menu to its normal state, close it and reopen it.