Port windows

Entry window

The entry window is used to enter a new port.

The window is opened by the Add command from the context menu.

New port entry window

Form fields:

Selecting OK will add the data to the directory and close the window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving any changes.


The port number must be unique. An error message will be returned on attempting to create a port with the existing number.

Error message window

The editor window allows one port to be edited.

The Port editor window is opened by the Edit command in the context menu when one port is selected.

Port editor window

The fields are the same as in the New port window.

Selecting OK will add the edited port to the deirectory and close the window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving any changes.

Only one port can be edited simaltaneously. When more than one port is selected in the directory window, the Edit command in the context menu is unavailable.

Context menu when multiple ports are selected

A confirmation prompt will open on attempting to edit the port that is currently being used:

Confirmation prompt


The same prompt will open on attempting to delete the currently used port.


Deleting the currently used ports will result in the loss of connection to the database. The programme will stop functioning.