Stock in by stock out

Stock in by stock out

Revision History
Stock in by stock out operational report

All store operations involving stock items can be divided into stock-in and stock-out operations. Stock-in operations are operations that result in decrease of stock levels held in stores. Stock-in operations are operations that result in increase of stock levels held in stores.

Delivery of stock items must compensate for their consumption. One stock-out operation (stock-out item in the store document specification) can be accompanied with more than one stock-in operation (stock-in items in the store document specification).

Cost price of stock items added to stock makes it possible to find the total cost price of consumed amount of stock items.

For example, 5 kg of potatoes was used upon a production record. This usage can be compensated for by 3 kg of potatoes from a stock-in record (at the cost price of 25 RUB per 1 kg) and 2 kg from a stock movement record (at the cost price of 30 RUB per 1 kg). The calculated cost price of the used potatoes will be:

Equation 4.1. 

(3*25+2*30)/5=27 RUB per kilo.

The Stock in by stock out operational report contains the information on stock-in documents used to compensate for the used amount of stock. It also enables the user to find out the cost price of used stock items (on the basis of stock-in document specifications, the cost price of these stock items, the amount of delivered stock item used to compensate for its usage).

The operational report helps to find errors in store documents and to control whether stock items are correctly used and deducted from store.