Regular customer points operations

Regular customer points operations

The Tillypad XL system supports various points-based client loyalty reward programs. The number of points earned by a regular customer on each visit is summed up according to point types. When a client reaches a certain number of points, he/she can receive a discount. Points earned can also be applied towards a client's guest tab payment.

Information about points earned by a regular customer is stored in the Regular customer point balances list. Earned and spent points are recorded in points addition and deduction operations in the Regular customer points operations log.

You can customise both rules for earning points towards discounts as well as minimum and maximum possible numbers of points used for discount calculation. These customizations can be made in the Promotion types directory.

You can add and deduct points manually or by running a software task. After you have created a task to add or deduct points, you can run it either automatically according to a preset schedule or, if necessary, manually.