Fiscal registrations

Fiscal registrations

Fiscal registrations are operations carried out on fiscal registers. These operations include the recording, processing, storing, and reading of fiscal data (information about settlements with customers). This information must be registered with every shift and stored on a long-term basis. It is required for proper tax calculation and is utilised by revenue authorities for monitoring.

Details of all fiscal registrations are recorded and stored in the Fiscal registrations list (log); they can be accessed later to prepare required financial documents.

Fiscal registrations for the POS terminal are carried out on fiscal registers, which are connected to the POS terminal through payment settings. At the same time, the fiscal registrations of payments accounted for in different sales departments are carried out on different fiscal registers.

There are two types of reports about fiscal registrations that have been carried out:

  • X-report (intermediate fiscal report),

  • Z-report (final fiscal report).

X-reports are used to control cash inflow during a shift and are made for informational purposes only. They have no impact on the accumulation of funds. You can make X-reports as many times as you want.

A Z-report is made once, at the close of a shift. This operation ultimately records the accumulated shift income in the database and closes the fiscal shift (sets the shift income counter to zero).

X-reports and Z-reports are generated in the Administrator mode in Tillypad XL POS.

The types of fiscal registrations carried out in the system are determined by the developer. They include:

  • Start shift – the opening of a shift on a fiscal register,

  • End shift (Z-report) – generation of a fiscal report at the close of a shift,

  • Sale – when money is received from a customer in exchange for the menu items sold to him/her,

  • Refund sale – reimbursement of a customer for returned purchases,

  • Cash in – deposit of money into the till (for change),

  • Payout – withdrawal of money from the till (collection of payment),

  • X-report – receipt of a non-fiscal report,

  • Purchase – disbursement of money to a company or an individual for purchased goods,

  • Refund purchase – receipt of a refund from a company or an individual for returned purchases.

You can generate a list of fiscal registrations for selected fiscal registers, for selected POS terminals or for selected receipts. The following windows are opened to view their logs, respectively: