On-screen button formats

On-screen button formats

To enter data on POS terminals, you can use either a traditional keyboard that records mechanical strokes or an on-screen keyboard that appears on a sensor screen.

An on-screen (virtual) key is, functionally, an area on the sensor screen. These on-screen buttons are used:

To display selection tables with buttons on the POS terminal screen, locate the GridButtons option (in the Show menu) within the device settings and assign this option the value True.

Show = ( GridButtons = True ... )

Figure 10.303. POS terminal settings

Initially, all buttons are displayed in the standard format created by the developer. You can edit the standard on-screen button image by specifying one of the pre-defined formats for it.

Figure 10.304. Standard button images on the POS terminal screen

An On-screen button format has the following set of parameters: colour, size, text font characteristics, and relative positions of the text and the picture. Users can modify button formats on the basis of ready-made styles. These styles designate the relative positions of the picture and the text on a programmable button.

The on-screen button format is used in the Menu and Draft menu directories, in the Payment methods directory, and in the POS terminal operating modes directory.

The On-screen button formats directory is used to manage the formats of buttons that are displayed on POS terminal screens.