Update packages

Update packages

Some objects in the system, e.g. reports, software modules, and discount calculation functions, can be exported to an external file with the .tpxl_exp extension. The Export submenu in the context menu contains commands for exporting. Only objects of the same type (items or groups of the same data grid) can be exported to file.

However, objects can inherit properties not only from other objects of the same type, but also from objects of other types. For example, a software module print format can inherit properties from a report print format. As a result, when exporting the software module print format, the external file will not contain the necessary data from the report print format.

In order to save in an external file different types of objects and objects with complex dependencies, as well as to import them from an external file, please refer to update packages.

An update package is a set of objects of different types from Tillypad XL Manager (reports, software modules, software module print formats, task types, etc.) used for export or import. Update packages enable objects to be replaced with their newer versions without carrying out a database update (upgrade).

To include an object into an update package, use the Add to update package command from the Export menu. System objects are included into the update packages by the developer.

Update packages can be uploaded into an external file with the .tpxl_exp extension or downloaded from such file.

Update packages are managed in the Update packages directory.