Tillypad installation

Segment is the main structural unit of Tillypad. Each segment consists of a database, a segment application server, the client programs: Tillypad Manager (back office) and Tillypad POS (front office), a device loader, as well as the equipment used: fiscal registers, printers, etc.

An application server is a program that liaises between the client software and the database. The application server runs queries from client programs and sends them to databases, and vice versa.

Segments are combined into a domain for data replication. Data replication between segments is only possible within its domain. If data exchange with segments from other domains is required, you need to configure replication between those domains.

With Tillypad Setup, you can do the following:

  • perform a primary installation of Tillypad,

  • install Tillypad Manager and a device loader,

  • update databases of the Tillypad system,

  • download additional packages.

If necessary, during the installation process, you can install the Microsoft SQL Server DBMS.

You should create a separate folder for program installation files. You will need to copy into this folder the data necessary for installation of the segment controller, TillypadSetup.exe and the files it requires, as well as the utility for editing or restoring the SUPERVISOR user.

Folder with files for program installation

TillypadSetup FilesInFolder

Use the Segment folder to install the segment controller.

By default, the Tillypad Setup installation program is configured to work with current folders. To make changes to the folder structure, it is necessary to edit the TillypadSetup.ini file.

The installation program allows you to sequentially perform operations to install the segment controller in step-by-step format. Each next step depends on the choice made by the user in the previous step.

Move to the next program step by pressing Next>. Pressing <Back returns you to the previous step. Pressing Cancel will stop the program installation.

As TillypadSetup runs, the TillypadSetup.log log is created in the folder c:\Users{UserName}\AppData\Roaming\Tillypad\TillypadSetup.

If Tillypad is supplied with the Microsoft SQL Server DBMS, the installation folder includes the data folder to install the DBMS.

Work with the installation program starts with selecting a language for use.