Managing open guest tabs

Managing open guest tabs

Viewing and editing a guest tab
Sending a guest tab for payment without closing
Sending a guest tab for payment
Splitting a guest tab
Editing a guest tab
Deleting an empty guest tab
Closing a guest tab without payment
Saving changes to a guest tab without submitting

In Administrator mode, you can view and edit open guest tabs, split guest tabs, send them for payment with closure or without closing.

To bring up a list of open guest tabs, select Open guest tabs from the administrator menu.

Figure 10.45. Opening the list of open guest tabs

Figure 10.46. Open guest tabs list

To return to the administrator menu, press Back.

Operations for an open guest tab are available from the context that opens when you select a guest tab.

Figure 10.47. List of open guest tabs with guest tab context menu

Figure 10.48. Context menu for a guest tab that does not have any orders