Sending a guest tab for payment

Sending a guest tab for payment

To send a guest tab for payment and close it, press Send for payment in the context menu.

Figure 10.151. Guest tabs. Sending a guest tab for payment

When you send a guest tab for payment, bills are generated and can be printed.

Figure 10.152. Send guest tab for payment prompt

Bills are printed on the terminal's main printer by default.

Figure 10.153. Send guest tab for payment prompt with bill printer selection

Pressing Select printer will open the printer selection window.

Figure 10.154. Printer selection window

The status windows will open while printing. To abort the operation, press Cancel in the status window. The terminal will return to the last screen you were using.

Figure 10.155. Status window. Waiting for device to be ready

Figure 10.156. Status window indicating that bill printing is in progress

The guest tab is closed, and its number and value are removed from the seating plan.

Figure 10.157. Guest tab sent for payment and closed

If you want to send a guest tab for payment but still be able to continue working with it, press Send for payment, don't close in the context menu.

Figure 10.158. Sending a guest tab for payment without closing

When you send a guest tab for payment without closing, the guest tab remains open but bills are generated for it. New orders can be added to the guest tab.

Figure 10.159. Guest tab sent for payment without closing

Once a guest tab is sent for payment, its bills can be paid in <xi:include></xi:include>, <xi:include></xi:include> or <xi:include></xi:include> modes.