Changing the table on a guest tab
Changing the table on a guest tab

To change the table on a guest tab, select the guest tab and press Change in the context menu, then press Change table.

Figure 10.189. Changing the table on a guest tab

The table selection window will open:

Figure 10.190. Table selection window

Enter the table number or select the table name in the list. Press OK. The table selection window will close.

The guest tab will be saved with the new table number. The guest tab will be removed from the guest tabs list for the original table, and will be added to the guest tabs list of the newly selected table.

To exit the table selection window without saving changes, press Cancel.

Figure 10.192. Guest tabs list after deleting guest tab

The guest tab will now appear in the guest tabs list of the newly selected table.

Figure 10.193. Guest tab in guest tabs list of newly selected table