Price schedule panel in the Draft menu item window
Price schedule panel in the Draft menu item window



Price in price schedule window

The Price schedule panel is intended to create and edit price schedules applicable to the draft menu item. Price schedules allow the price of the draft menu item to change, or for the draft menu item to be made unavailable at different times of the business day.

A list of price schedules applicable to the draft menu item can be found on the Price schedule panel. Each price schedule is displayed in the panel with its own timetable. The header of the table represents the name of the price schedule.

Figure 2.166. Price schedule panel

If the draft menu item was created on the basis of other items, the Price schedule panel will have the additional field Inherit price schedules, where it will be indicated whether inherited price schedules are applied. Value is selected from No or Yes.

Figure 2.167. Price schedule panel for an the inheritable draft menu item

The context menu of the Price schedule panel contains the following commands:

At the first opening of the draft menu entry window the Price schedule panel is empty.

Figure 2.168. Context menu of an empty Price schedule panel

A new price schedule can be added using the New price schedule entry window.

Tables on the panel correspond to price schedules of the selected draft menu items.

If the selected price schedule has already been added, a warning message will be displayed.

Figure 2.169. Warning message

Tables with price schedule timetables can be displayed on the Price schedule panel in an expanded or collapsed form. If the panel is shown in an expanded form, the display control key will look like . In case of a collapsed form of the panel representation the appearance of the display control key changes over to .

Figure 2.170. Panel with price schedule timetables in a collapsed form

The confirm delete prompt is used when deleting price schedules.

Figure 2.171. Confirm delete prompt

The price schedules table is composed of the following columns: Name to specify the name of the associated draft menu item and Price to show prices for the draft menu item within different time intervals. Each interval is assigned to an individual column. Each cell of the above columns contains a price at which the draft menu item is sold within this time interval. The draft menu item can be also excluded from sale during this time.

For example, a special offer could be configured so that business lunch costs 150 RUB from 12 p.m. to 16 p.m, while till 12 p.m. and after 16 p.m. it is removed from sale.

The price schedule context menu contains the following commands:

Figure 2.172. Price interval cell context menu

The Edit command is not available for the cells containing the name of the menu item or the time interval specification.

Figure 2.173. Context menu of a cell containing the name of a menu item

Figure 2.174. Context menu of a cell containing the time interval specification

Prices for draft menu items in the price schedule time intervals can be altered by means of the Price in price schedule and Prices in price schedule editor windows.