Favourite window
Favourite window

Windows used to manage commands in the user menu:

You can open the Favourite editor window by using the Edit command from the Favourites menu. This allows you to modify attributes of a user menu command.

Figure 3.57. Editor window for a user menu command

The Properties panel is composed of the following fields:

  • Group indicates the group that contains the command from the user menu.

    You can select a group in the Select Favourites group window.

  • Name is the name of the command in the user menu. This is a required field.

    The name of the object is used by default, e.g. Stock adjustment records or Division.

  • Index denotes the sequence order in which commands are placed in the group. This is a required field.

  • Shortcut designates the combination of keys that can be used instead of the Favourites menu command to open a window.

    You can select a shortcut option from the drop-down list. The selected value appears in the Favourites menu.

    Figure 3.58. User menu command with a hot key combination

Click OK to save data. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving data.

The entry window for a user menu command opens:

  • when you select the Add to Favourites command from the window header menu.

    Figure 3.59. Adding the command to Favourites from the window header menu

  • when you select the Add to Favourites command from the selection history in the main menu.

    Figure 3.60. Adding the command to Favourites from the selection history menu in the main menu

Figure 3.61. Entry window for a user menu command

The fields are similar to those in the Favourite window.