Creating new stock movement records

Creating new stock movement records

To create a new stock movement record, select a sending store and choose the Create stock movement record command in the context menu.

Figure 14.493. Creating a stock movement record

A dialog prompt will appear. Here you can select the recipient store to which stock items will be sent.

Figure 14.494. Selecting a recipient store

This will open the stock movement record editor screen. The data grid header displays the stock movement record number and the names of the sending and receiving stores.

Figure 14.495. New record screen

Add the stock items that will be sent from the store to the specification.

To save the new stock movement record, press Save or Enter. Press Save to save the stock movement record with the Not ready status. Press Enter to save the stock movement record with the Ready status.

Figure 14.496. Confirmation dialog box to save a stock movement record

To confirm that you want to save the new stock movement record, press OK in the confirmation dialog window. Pressing Cancel allows you to cancel saving the stock movement record and return to the editor screen.

The saved stock movement record will be added to the list of stock movement records.

Figure 14.497. Stock movement record added