Create a promotion type

Create a promotion type

At this stage, you need to create the promotion type Third beer for free, which will allow a client to receive a free Amstel beer if he/she has already ordered two beers.

Open the Promotion types directory and add the Third beer for free promotion type. Fill out the fields in the Properties panel.

Figure 20.1. Promotion type with main attributes filled in

Since the discount implies the use of points, select the With points option in the Points settings field. Click on the Points settings panel to expand it and fill in its fields.

Figure 20.2. Attributes entered so that the promotion type can use points

Click on the Specification panel to expand it. Select the name of the menu item (Amstel beer) and choose the Include command from the context menu.

Figure 20.3. Adding the menu item to the list of items used by the promotion type

The selected menu item is marked as used by the promotion type.

Figure 20.4. Selected menu item in the promotion type specification

Press OK. The editor window will close, and changes made to the directory will be saved.