Sending guest tabs to intermediate payment (tab stays open)
Sending guest tabs to intermediate payment (tab stays open)

To send the guest tab to intermediate payment, select it from the list of guest tabs that were opened via client IDs and press Pay and leave open.

Figure 15.179. Sending guest tabs to intermediate payment (tab stays open)

A confirmation dialog box will open and prompt you to confirm that you want to send the guest tab for intermediate payment.

Figure 15.180. Confirmation dialog box: sending guest tab to intermediate payment (tab stays open)

If you decide not to send the guest tab to intermediate payment, press Cancel. To pay the guest tab's debt and close it, press OK or Enter. The confirmation dialog box will close, and the bill payment screen will open.

Figure 15.181. Payment screen

Bill payment is carried out in the same way as in Restaurant cashier mode.

After the intermediate payment has been completed, you can continue working in Club waiter mode.