Providing free meals to employees

Chapter 29. Providing free meals to employees

Free meals are provided for employees on workdays during specific time periods. To receive a free meal, employees must present their IDs.

At the beginning of each workday, a business day must be opened in the division where free meals are provided for employees. Business days must be also closed daily. Business days can be opened and closed in Tillypad XL Manager or in Administrator mode. Tillypad XL POS can be started on the same workstation as Tillypad XL Manager.

If the business day is not open, an error message will be sent to the printer.

Figure 29.1. Error message: the business day is not open

At the food service counter, the customer must read his/her ID using the ID scanner. After the data have been successfully read, the printer prints an order ticket.

Figure 29.2. Order ticket

If the same ID is used again to receive the same meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner), an error message will appear.

Figure 29.3. Error message: this ID has already been used

If the client has presented his/her ID during unspecified time periods, an error message notifying you that the guest tab cannot be created at this time will appear.

Figure 29.4. Error message: the guest tab cannot be created now

If the presented ID is not found in the IDs directory, an error message appears.

Figure 29.5. Error message: unknown ID

If a suspended ID is presented, an error message appears.

Figure 29.6. Error message: suspended ID

If the regular customer is not found in the Regular customers directory or if no ID is specified for the regular customer, an error message appears.

Figure 29.7. Error message: unknown regular customer

If the regular customer has been temporarily suspended, an error message appears.

Figure 29.8. Error message: regular customer suspended

To receive information about employee meals, you can use Form OP-21 Employee meals declaration or Sales report (by business day) .