Personal profile window

Personal profile window

Windows used for managing directory contents:

The Edit command opens the editor window where you can edit personal profile attributes of one or more individuals.

If one entry is selected in the data grid, the Personal profile editor window is opened.

The window contains the Properties , Access , Home address , Work address , and Photograph panels.

Figure 9.89. Personal profile editor window

The Properties panel is composed of the following fields:

  • Personal profile group is the group containing the personal profile of the individual. This is a required field.

    You can select a group in the Select personal profile group window.

  • Surname is the individual's surname.

    A person's first, last, and middle names are usually entered as they appear on the ID.

  • Name is the person's name.

  • Middle name is the person's middle name.

  • Date of birth is the date, month and year when the person was born.

  • Place of work is the organisation name (of the individual's place of work).

  • Job title indicates the individual's occupation.

    Usually, a job title is specified for employees or representatives of partners.

  • Work phone is the person's work telephone number.

    Usually a full number is entered, including country code, area code (e.g. +44 020 0000 0000), and internal extension if necessary (e.g. ext. 5555).

  • Home phone is the person's home telephone number.

    Usually, a full number is entered, including the country code and the area code (e.g. +44 020 0000 0000).

  • Mobile phone is the person's mobile phone number.

    Usually, a full number is entered, including the country code and the area code (e.g. +44 07000 000000).

    The mobile phone number can be used (upon agreement with the owner) for urgent communications, SMS distribution, greetings etc.

    A call from a previously entered mobile phone number can be used as its owner's ID.

  • E-mail is the person's e-mail address.

    E-mail can be used (upon agreement with the owner) for communication, newsletters, greetings etc.

  • Document is the name of and details from the person's identification.

    Normally, you would enter the following details: ID number, date of issue, and date of expiry.

  • Gender is the person's gender; it is selected from: Male, Female, (empty).

    If the person's gender is unknown, you can choose the (empty) option from the list. In this case the field remains empty.

  • TIN is the individual's tax identification number.

  • Language pack is the pack containing the languages spoken by this person.

    Select a language pack in the Select language pack window.

  • Comment is a short text comment.

    Any additional information can be entered in this field.

Click OK to save data. Selecting Apply will save data without closing the window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving data.

If two or more directory entries are selected in the table, the multiple Personal profiles editor window will open. The multiple personal profiles editor window displays the Properties and Access panels, as well as a panel with the selected elements.

The fields and panels are similar to those in the Personal profile window.

The entry window allows you to add one or more personal profiles to the directory.

The Add command opens the New personal profile entry window. Alternatively, you can open the window by pasting one personal profile from the clipboard.

Figure 9.90. Personal profiles entry window

The fields and panels are similar to those in the Personal profile window.

You can open the New personal profiles entry window by pasting two or more personal profiles from the clipboard.

The multiple personal profiles entry window displays following panels: Properties and Access , as well as a panel with the selected elements.

The fields and panels are similar to those in the Personal profile window.