Splitting a guest tab into a new guest tab
Splitting a guest tab into a new guest tab

To move some of the orders from one guest tab to a new guest tab, select the first guest tab and press Split in the context menu, then press Split into new guest tab.

Figure 10.165. Splitting a guest tab into a new guest tab

Pressing Split into new guest tab opens the split guest tab window with two order lists - one for the original guest tab and one for the new guest tab. The new guest tab is created with the same table number as the original guest tab.

Figure 10.166. Split guest tab window

To move an order or order item from one guest tab to another, simply select it in the order list. The order or order item will be moved to the order list of the other guest tab.

Figure 10.167. Moving order items from an existing guest tab into a new guest tab

If there are several portions of one item in an order, the quantity editor window will open when it is selected for moving from one guest tab to the other.

Figure 10.168. Quantity editor window

Change the quantity if necessary and press OK. The specified number of portions will be moved and the editor window will close.

Enter the number of guests for both resulting guest tabs. The number of customers on the new guest tab will be subtracted from the number of customers on the original guest tab.

Press OK on the split guest tab screen to open the customer numbers editor for the new guest tab.

Figure 10.169. Customer numbers editor

Change the quantity if necessary and press OK.

Once you have saved changes to the new guest tab, the seating plan will open.

Figure 10.170. Seating layout screen after splitting guest tab

Figure 10.171.  Seating layout window after splitting a guest tab and partially moving orders to a new tab