Splitting a guest tab into an existing guest tab
Splitting a guest tab into an existing guest tab

To redistribute orders between two guest tabs or join orders from two guest tabs into one, select the original guest tab and press Split in the context menu, then press Split into existing guest tab.

Figure 10.172. Splitting a guest tab into an existing guest tab

The screen title will change to Select guest tab to split into. In the status line, the following message will be displayed: Select guest tab to split into.

Figure 10.173. Seating layout screen when selecting guest tab to split into

On the seating plan, select the table with the second guest tab or select the second guest tab in the guest tabs list for the table.

Figure 10.174. Selecting guest tab to split into

Once you have selected a guest tab to split into, the split guest tab window opens with two order lists - one for each guest tab.

Figure 10.175. Guest tab splitting screen

Redistribute orders and order items between the two guest tabs as required. Press OK.

Figure 10.176. Split guest tabs window after redistributing orders between tabs

Moved orders and order items will be saved in the resulting guest tabs. The seating layout screen will open.

Figure 10.177. The seating layout screen after splitting a guest tab into existing guest tab