IDs panel in the Draft menu item window
IDs panel in the Draft menu item window



Draft menu item ID window

The IDs panel is a table with a list of IDs assigned to the draft menu item. In the table columns there are values set to the selected IDs.

Figure 2.161. IDs panel

The IDs panel's data grid is composed of the following columns:

If the draft menu item was created on the basis of other items, the IDs panel will have the additional field Inherit IDs, where it will be indicated whether inherited IDs are applied. Value is selected from No or Yes.

Figure 2.162. IDs panel for an inheritable draft menu item

The panel context menu contains the following commands:

The New draft menu item ID entry window is used to add a new ID to the draft menu item. Attributes of selected IDs can be altered using the Draft menu item ID and Draft menu item IDs editor windows.

The permanent delete confirmation prompt is used when deleting draft menu item IDs.