Confirm deletion prompt

Confirm deletion prompt

The confirm deletion prompt is a dialog window that prompts you to confirm deletion of the selected objects.

Confirm deletion prompts have the following header: Delete <name of the object to be deleted. They also contain both a message about the object to be deleted and the Cancel and OK buttons.

Figure 12.60. Confirm deletion prompt (no reason must be specified)

If you press Cancel, the confirm deletion prompt will close; no items will be deleted from the data grid. Pressing OK will delete the selected item from the data grid.

If additional operations must be carried out before you can delete an object (e.g. if you need to indicate a reason for deletion), the confirmation prompt will have two additional buttons: Back and Next.

Figure 12.61. Confirm deletion prompt (a reason must be indicated)

Pressing Cancel will close the confirm deletion prompt; no items will be deleted from the data grid.

Pressing Next will open a window where you can select a reason for deletion. This window contains a data grid with a list of possible reasons for deletion. You must select one of them.

Figure 12.62. Select reason for deletion window

The list of possible reasons is stored in the Reasons for restricted POS terminal operations directory.

Pressing OK will delete the selected objects from the data grid.