Companies directory

Companies directory



The Companies directory is used to manage companies' details.

The Companies directory contains data about the companies that are in contact with your business. The directory also contains information about your own company, which is used when generating print layouts and exporting data to an accounting suite.

Location: TransactionsDirectoriesCompanies.

The directory window contains a tree list of company groups and companies. Only company groups can be root elements of the list. However, both company groups and companies can be child elements of the list.

The Companies directory data grid displays only company attributes and names of company groups. You can view the attributes of company groups in the Company groups directory.

Figure 7.84. Companies directory window

Data grid columns:

  • Name is the name of a company or group of companies.

  • Description is a brief description of the company.

  • Type is the company type.

  • Security level is the security level associated with the company.

  • TIN is the company's tax identification number.

  • Settlement account is the bank account number.

  • Address is the physical address of the company.

  • Registered office address is the address where the company is registered.

  • Phone is the contact phone number.

  • Comment is a short text comment.

  • System is a tag identifying system objects.

The context menu of the Companies directory data grid contains the following commands:

  • Add (Ins) – adds a new company.

  • Add group (Alt+Ins) – adds a new company group.

  • Edit (F2) – edits companies and company groups.

  • Delete (Del) – removes companies and company groups from the directory to the Recycle bin.

  • Export – menu with the commands to export files into an external file or update package.

  • Clipboard – menu with the commands to operate the clipboard.

  • Print (Ctrl+P) – generates print layouts.

  • Summary functions – menu with the commands to manage the summary functions of the data grid.

  • Additional functions – menu with the commands to operate the data grid.

To add data about new companies to the directory, please use the New company and New companies entry windows. To edit attributes of the directory contents, please use the Company and Companies windows.

To add new company groups to the directory, use the New company group and New company groups entry windows. To modify attributes of the directory contents, use the Company group and Company groups windows.

A confirm delete prompt appears when deleting companies and company groups from the directory.

To select directory contents from other directory windows, use the Select company window. To select a company group, use the Select company group window.