Butchering record window

Butchering record window

Windows used with butchering records:

All of these windows are opened from the context menu of the Butchering records list.

You can open the editor window by using the Edit command. In this window, you can modify attributes of one or more butchering records.

If one sales record is selected in the data grid, the Butchering record editor window opens.

The window contains the Properties and Specification panels.

Figure 7.128. Butchering record editor window

The Properties panel is composed of the following fields:

  • Number indicates the number of the butchering record. This is a required field.

    The butchering record number can be generated automatically or entered manually. The number is automatically generated when you open the window or press the selection button in the Number field. Automatic numbers are generated using the template specified in the Number settings directory.

    An icon appears in the Number field to illustrate the current status of the butchering record. If the store’s status is Running or Execution error, additional icons will be displayed.

  • Description is a text description of the record.

    Any additional information can be entered in this field.

  • Date is the date and time of the documented butchering operation. This is a required field.

    The date and time are entered automatically when the document is created, but they can be edited.

  • Store is the name of the store where the butchering operation was carried out. This is a required field.

    Please select a store in the Select store window.

    The store name determines in which store stock levels will be adjusted after the butchering record has been processed.

  • Employee is the employee who created the butchering record. This is a required field.

    Please select an employee in the Select employee window.

  • Status is the status of the butchering record. This is a required field.

    Please choose one of the following options:

    • Not ready,

    • Ready,

    • Registered.

Click OK to save data. Selecting Apply will save data without closing the window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving data.

If the butchering record has either the Ready or Registered status, none of its properties except for its status can be edited. All fields in the Properties panel of the editor window except for the Status field are read-only.

Figure 7.129. Editor window for a butchering record with the Ready status

Figure 7.130. Editor window for a butchering record with the Registered status

In the editor window of a butchering record with a status of either Ready or Registered, the Delete command in the Additional menu is disabled.

When two or more butchering items are selected for editing, the Butchering records editor window opens. A panel with a list of the selected items is added to the editor window.

If two or more butchering records with different statuses are selected for editing, any changes made will be applied to all records with the status Not ready.

The fields and panels are similar to those in the Butchering record window.

The entry window is used to enter one or more butchering records.

You can open the New butchering record window by using the Add command or by pasting one butchering record from the clipboard.

Figure 7.131. Butchering record entry window

The fields and panels are similar to those in the Butchering record window.

You can open the New butchering records entry window by pasting multiple butchering records from the clipboard. A panel with a list of the selected records is added to the window.

The fields and panels are similar to those in the Butchering record window.