Interval window
Interval window

Windows used to manage time intervals in the sales rules specification:

All of these windows are opened from the Intervals submenu in the context menu of the sales rule specification when either one interval or one or more promotion categories within one interval are selected.

You can open the Interval editor window by using the Edit command. From here, you can modify the start and end times of one existing promotion category application interval. Selection of multiple intervals for editing is disabled.

Figure 6.195. Interval editor window

Window fields:

  • Interval start indicates the start time of the interval. This is a required field.

    By default, this field displays the Open business day value, which corresponds to the time when the business day is opened.

  • Interval end denotes the end time of the interval.

    By default, this field displays the Close business day value, which corresponds to the time when the business day is closed.

Click OK to save data. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving data.

You can open the New interval entry window by using the Add command. From here, you can add a new time interval to the sales rule specification. This interval will determine the time period of the promotion category application.

Figure 6.196. Interval entry window

The fields are similar to those in the Interval editor window.