Viewing and editing delivery service regular customer profiles

Viewing and editing delivery service regular customer profiles

When taking delivery requests in Delivery call centre , Delivery via call centre , and Delivery modes, the operator enters the following information:

  • phone numbers from which orders are made,

  • delivery addresses,

  • order specifications and delivery comments.

This and other information makes up the customer's profile and is stored in Tillypad XL. You can view and edit this information in Tillypad XL Manager. Based on these data, you can create different reports. Some of the data from the customer's profile can be viewed and complemented on the POS terminal of the delivery service operator.

All available operations with the customer's profile are listed in the context menu. The delivery service operator can open specifications of orders made during the last few days, assign an ID to the customer and change customer's description.

The context menu with operations that can be carried out on regular customer profiles opens in the guest tab window.

The guest tab window opens automatically after the operator answers an incoming phone call from the customer. To open the guest tab window in the list of delivery guest tabs, select a guest tab from the list and choose the Open details command in the context menu of the guest tab list or of the Functions button.

Figure 39.89. Opening the guest tab window

This will open the guest tab window.

Figure 39.90. Opening the customer's profile context menu

Press Functions to open the menu with operations that can be carried out on delivery service regular customer profiles.

Figure 39.91. Menu with operations that can be carried out on the delivery service regular customer profile