Report viewer window

Report viewer window

The report viewer window is used to view the generated report.

The window is opened by the command from the context menu of the Report settings directory. The window can also be opened from the main menu by selecting Reports.

Selecting the command opens the filter allowing to select the data based on which the report will be generated. After all the filter steps are performed, the report viewing window will open.

Figure 9.28. Report viewer window

Viewer window panels:

Filter panel

The Filter panel contains filter values that were selected at the opening of the report viewer window.

Figure 9.29. Filter panel in the report viewer window

The Filter panel is the same as the Filter panel in the Report window.

Panel with grids containing data returned by data sets

These panels contain data returned on the report query execution. The number of panels equals the number the number of data sets returned.

Panels and the data displayed in them are configured in the Model panel that is generated separately for each data set of rhe report.

Figure 9.30. Panel with the data returned by the data set

The data grid context menu contains commands that were specified for this data set in the Functions panels, and additional functions:


The panel is used to preview the report print layout and to export the print layout to different formats.

Figure 9.31.  panel

Context menu commands:

The command in the context menu of the panel opens the print layout editor window.