Payment method window

Payment method window

Windows used to manage payment methods:

All of these windows are opened from the Payment methods directory data grid.

You can open the editor window by using the Edit command. From here, you can modify attributes of one or more payment methods.

If one payment method is selected in the data grid, the Payment method editor window opens.

The window contains the Properties , Access , and Picture panels.

Figure 5.237. Payment method editor window

The Properties panel is composed of the following fields:

  • Payment method group denotes the group to which the payment method belongs. This is a required field.

    Please select a payment method group in the Select payment method group window.

  • Name indicates the name of the payment type. This is a required field.

    This name is used for selecting payment methods on POS terminals.

  • Description is a text description of the payment method.

    Any additional information can be entered in this field.

  • On-screen button format is the format that is used to select a payment method or denomination on the POS terminal screen.

    You can select a format in the Select on-screen button format window.

  • Cash indicates that this payment method is cash. This is a required field.

    Please choose between No and Yes.

    Selecting No will signify that this payment method is non-cash. In this case, the tendered amount cannot differ from the total due.

    Selecting Yes will indicate that this payment method is cash. In this case, the tendered amount can be greater than total due. The difference between the two will be handed over to the client (as change).

  • Excluded from payment denotes that the payment method has been disabled. This is a required field.

    Please choose between No and Yes.

    If you select No, the payment method will become available on the POS terminal.

    Selecting Yes will disable the payment method. It will not be used for settlements and will not be displayed on the POS terminal.

  • Index indicates the sequence order in which payment methods are displayed in the group on the POS terminal.

    By default, a new payment method is given the highest index number. The default value can be edited if the sequence of payment methods needs to be changed in the run screen data grid or in the Select payment method data grid on the POS terminal.

Click OK to save data. Selecting Apply will save data without closing the window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving data.

The editor window for multiple payment methods opens if two or more entries are selected in the data grid. A panel with a list of the selected items is added to the editor window. The name of the window changes to Payment methods.

The fields are similar to those in the Payment method editor window.

The entry window allows you to enter one or more new payment methods to the directory.

You can open the New payment method entry window by using the Add command or by pasting one payment method from the clipboard.

Figure 5.238. New payment method entry window

The fields are similar to those in the Payment method editor window.

The New payment methods entry window opens if two or more payment methods are pasted from the clipboard to the directory.

The fields and panels are similar to those in the Payment method window.