Timed service panel in the Menu item window
Timed service panel in the Menu item window

The Timed service panel is made available if the Timed service option is selected in the Class field of the Properties panel.

The Timed service panel is used to specify the properties of timed services, i.e. those menu items for which the price depends on the duration of use. The panel indicates the menu item's quantity and its corresponding time interval. For example, a round of pool corresponds to 30 minutes. In addition, the panel is used to specify the table where the timed service is provided.

Figure 5.27. Timed service panel

The Timed service panel is composed of the following fields:

  • Menu item quantity denotes the quantity of the menu item. This field is required only for menu items that are not inherited from other menu items.

    Figure 5.28. Timed service panel of an inherited menu item

    It defines a "quantity" of the timed service, which corresponds to the duration of the timed service (i.e. the amount of time).

  • Unit (menu) denotes the unit of measurement specified in the Properties field.

    This field is read-only. For convenience, the field name is not displayed.

    The field displays the name of the menu unit of measurement specified in the Properties panel.

  • Time indicates the time interval corresponding to the specified quantity of the menu item. This field is required only for menu items that are not inherited from other menu items.

    The duration of the service expressed in minutes corresponds to the specified menu item's quantity.

  • Table is the table where the timed service is provided. This field is required only for menu items that are not inherited from other menu items.

    You can select this value in the Select table window.