Configuring data grid display mode

Configuring data grid display mode

For any data grid, you can configure the display of certain columns, establish their sequence order, group fields by their values, and use summary functions.

To configure the data grid display mode, use the Table properties command from the Additional functions menu. When you click on the Table properties command or press Ctrl+T, the Table properties window opens.

Figure 4.137. Opening the Table properties window

You can change the order in which columns appear in the data grid by dragging the column header.

Data in the data grid can be grouped using the values in one or more fields. To do so, select the column header and drag it to the grouping area of the data grid. This area is located just above the data grid column headers.

Figure 4.138. Data grid grouped by values of one field

To group the data grid by two or more values, you need to move their headers to the grouping area. Each group can have its own sorting method.

Figure 4.139. Data grid grouped by values of multiple fields