Deleting guest tab payments
Deleting guest tab payments

If an open guest tab contains bills that have been paid for, these payments can be deleted. To delete payments, select the guest tab and choose the Delete payments command in the context menu.

Figure 15.321. Deleting guest tab payments

A dialog window will open and prompt you to select a deletion method.

Figure 15.322. Deleting empty guest tabs

You can select one of the following payment deletion methods:

Editing payments

If you select Edit payment, the payment screen will open. All payments will be deleted from the bill, and you can re-enter them.

Figure 15.323. Payments deleted from the bill

Voiding payments

If you select Void payment, a confirm bill deletion prompt will open.

Figure 15.324.  Confirm bill deletion prompt

After your confirmation, you will be prompted to indicate a reason for deleting the bill. This reason will be stored in the Reasons for restricted POS terminal operations log.

Figure 15.325. Selecting a reason for deleting the bill

After you indicate a reason, the bill will be deleted from the guest tab.

Figure 15.326. Result of deleting the bill

Editing guest tabs

If you select Edit guest tab, a confirm bill deletion prompt will open.

Figure 15.327. Confirm bill deletion prompt

After your confirmation, you will be prompted to indicate a reason for deleting the bill. This reason will be stored in the Reasons for restricted POS terminal operations log.

Figure 15.328. Selecting a reason for deleting the bill

After you indicate a reason, the bill will be deleted from the guest tab, and the sales entry screen will open for this guest tab. In this screen, you can create new orders and add menu items to them.

Figure 15.329. Guest tab sales entry screen

Deleting guest tabs

If you select Delete all, a prompt to confirm bill and guest tab deletion will open.

Figure 15.330. Confirm deletion prompt for the bill and guest tab

After your confirmation, you will be prompted to indicate a reason for deleting the bill and guest tab. This reason will be stored in the Reasons for restricted POS terminal operations log.

Figure 15.331. Selecting reasons for deleting bills and guest tabs

After you indicate the reason, both the bill and guest tab will be deleted; a list of open guest tabs will open.

Figure 15.332. Guest tab deleted with orders and bills