Object for note type window
Object for note type window

Windows used to manage objects for note types:

All of these windows are opened from the context menu of the Objects panel data grid.

You can open the editor window using the Edit command. From here, you can modify attributes of one or more objects in the note type specification.

If one object is selected in the data grid, the Object for note type editor window opens.

Figure 11.113. Editor window for an object for a note type

Window fields:

  • Note type denotes the type of the note displayed in the object window. This is a required field.

  • Object is an object, the window of which has a panel for notes of this type. This is a required field.

    Please select an object in the Select object window.

  • Data grid designates the specification of the main objects, the items of which will be used with the notes of this type.

    The drop-down list contains the (empty) command and a list of object specifications, e.g. a data grid of stock items IDs.

    Figure 11.114. Data grid drop-down list for an object with multiple specifications

    If the object does not have any specifications, the drop-down list will only contain the (empty) command.

    If you select (empty) in the Data grid field, the notes will be added to the object itself. However, if you select an object specification data grid, the notes will be added to the items of this specification.

Click OK to save data. Selecting Apply will save data without closing the window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving data.

The editor window for multiple objects for note types opens if two or more entries are selected in the specification data grid. A panel with the selected items is added to the window. The name of the window changes to Objects for note types.

The fields are similar to those in the Object for note type editor window.

You can open the New object for note type entry window using the Add command. From here, you can add an object of the system (a group or an item from a directory) to the note type specification.

Figure 11.115. Entry window for an object for a note type

The fields are similar to those in the Object for note type editor window.