Confirm deletion prompt

Confirm deletion prompt

The confirm deletion prompt opens when you select the Delete command from the context menu of the data grid.

Depending on the data grid’s properties, its items are either deleted permanently or are moved to the Recycle bin. A different prompt appears for each of these cases: a prompt to confirm deletion to the Recycle bin and a confirm permanent deletion prompt.

Each prompt displays a data grid with a list of items to be deleted.

Figure 4.91. Confirm deletion prompt: deleted items can be restored later

After you press the Yes button, the selected items will be moved to the Recycle bin. From here they can be restored later if necessary. Pressing No will close the confirmation prompt without deleting any data.

Figure 4.92. Confirm permanent deletion prompt (restoration will not be possible)

After you press Yes, the selected items will be permanently deleted from the data grid. Pressing No will close the confirmation prompt without deleting any data.