HTML Report Server

HTML Report Server


Revision History


This window is used for managing the devices that are controlled by the HTML Report Server software module. These devices allow you to use iPad or other similar devices as customer displays.

Windows used to manage devices:

The editor window is opened by using the Edit command. From there, you can edit one or more devices.

The Device editor window opens if one device is selected in the data grid.

The window contains the following panels: Properties , Access , Parameters , Software module information , Additional parameters , Sales settings , Print formats (Tillydroid) , and Print formats .

Figure 34.317. HTML Report Server window

The Properties panel is composed of the following fields:

  • Parent device is the parent device loader or the parent device. This is a required field.

    It determines the device loader or device to which the current device connects.

    By default, the field displays the device loader or device to which the device selected in the Devices directory is connected.

    You can select a device in the Select device window.

  • Name indicates the name of the device. This is a required field.

    Device names are used for identifying devices on POS terminals, as well as for monitoring, carrying out video surveillance, assigning jobs to devices, and viewing timed service logs.

  • Description is a brief text description of the device.

    Any additional information can be entered in this field.

  • Port is the number of the port used to control the device. This is a required field for root devices (that have a loader as their parent device).

    Here you can enter the TCP/IP port number used to access this device. The value must be unique among devices connected to this loader.

  • Software module is the software module used to control the device. This is a required field.

    Please select a module in the Select software module window.

  • Inactive shows that the device is disabled. This is a required field.

    You can choose between: Yes and No. Select Yes if the device is temporarily disabled in this configuration, but its attributes and parameters are stored in the directory.

  • Language pack is the language pack used by the device.

    Select a language pack in the Select language pack window.

    The language pack determines the languages that can be used in dialogs when you operate the device, as well as those that can be used to create messages, reports, etc.

Click OK to save data. Selecting Apply will save data without closing the window. Selecting Cancel will close the window without saving data.

The Devices editor window opens if two or more devices are selected in the data grid. A panel with a list of the selected devices is added to the window.

The panels and fields are similar to those in the Device window.

In the entry window, you can add one or more devices to the directory.

The New device entry window is opened by using the Add command or by pasting one device from the clipboard.

Figure 34.318. New device window

The panels and fields are similar to those in the Device window.

You can open the New devices entry window by pasting two or more devices from the clipboard. A panel with a list of the devices is added to the window from the clipboard.

The panels and fields are similar to those in the Device window.